Easy2Patch January 14 Catalog Update #20230114

Catalog Update

Our Easy2Patch catalog with 20230114 (Catalog version 2.1.7) is available to our customers.

This week 26 software updates have been provided in the E2P catalog. We support 107 products of 145 individual manufacturers in total. We are updating 216 products with 32/64-bit and language options.



8X8 Work 7.26.3


Acrobat Reader DC MUI 22.3.20310

Allround Automations

PL-SQL Developer 15.0.3


Amazon EC2 Launch 2.0.1121

Arksoft Bilisim

SessionLimit with MFA Agent 1.9.10

Arksoft Bilisim

SessionLimit without MFA Agent 1.9.10


Sourcetree 3.4.11

Bloomberg Finance L.P.

Bloomberg Terminal 108.7.80


Cloudflare WARP Client 22.12.582


DBeaver CE 22.3.2

Docker Inc.

Docker Desktop 4.16.1


Dropbox 165.4.4300


Google Chrome 109.0.5414.75


KeePass 2.53.0


Lenovo System Update 5.08.01


AutoHotkey_L 2.0.2


Edge WebView2 Runtime 109.0.1518.52


Microsoft Edge 109.0.1518.52


Node.js 18.13.0 LTS


Node.js 19.4.0 Current


Opera 94.0.4606.65


Snagit 23.0.3


Belgenet Imza Servisi 1.0.53


Vivaldi 5.6.2867.58


VMware Horizon Client for Windows 8.8.0

Zoom Video Communications

Zoom Desktop Client 5.13.4

8X8 Work 7.26.3

More Info: https://support.8x8.com/cloud-phone-service/voice/work-desktop/download-8x8-work-for-desktop

Support Info: https://support.8x8.com/

The key features in Work for Desktop v 7.26 are: Voice, Messaging, and Core A user can now manage their blocked inbound SMS numbers from ‘Account Settings’ -> ‘Blocked SMS’. Download for Windows 8x8 provides two Work for Desktop packages for Windows. The two packages are fundamentally different, using different deployment and update mechanisms. 8x8 strongly recommends employing the EXE installer, as it ensures that users are easily able to enjoy the latest fixes, features, and security enhancements available in Work for Desktop.

Acrobat Reader DC MUI 22.3.20310

More Info: https://www.adobe.com/devnet-docs/acrobatetk/tools/ReleaseNotesDC/continuous/dccontinuousjan2023.html

Support Info: https://helpx.adobe.com/acrobat/using/whats-new.html

Bug fixes Activation 4376898: No option to logout from application if user has signed in with incorrect Adobe Id Adobe Express 4378996: Blank White screen comes for a long time while Express gets loaded on Mac Editing 4359640: File always opens in separate tab when opened through link 4347493: White background of PNG image turns to black on copying and pasting to Acrobat Installers 4380233: Distiller stops working if PDF makers options are disabled from 64-bit Acrobat during installation MIP 4390469: Govt cloud support for MIP is not working PDFMaker 4206331: Alt-Text of Charts, Images, SmartArt, Shapes is not passed from Office apps to PDFMaker generated PDF docs Sendmail 4375594: Error when sending mail with MS Outlook from Acrobat

Amazon EC2 Launch 2.0.1121

More Info: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/WindowsGuide/ec2launchv2-versions.html

Support Info: https://aws.amazon.com/ec2

2.0.1121 Fixes an issue where a 404 error is printed to the wallpaper when no public IPv4 address is assigned. January 4, 2023 2.0.1082 Fixes an issue where the setWallpaper: privateIpAddress field is blank when IMDS is disabled. Fixes an issue with setting the hostname to the private IPv4 address when IMDS is disabled. Fixes an issue with initializing volumes on Windows Server 2012. Fixes an issue with setting jumbo frames. Fixes an error when no SSH key is specified at instance launch. Fixes an error on Windows Server 2012 when Windows does not have a 'ReleaseId' registry key. December 7, 2022

AutoHotkey_L 2.0.2

More Info: https://www.autohotkey.com/docs/v2/ChangeLog.htm

Support Info: https://github.com/Lexikos/AutoHotkey_L

2.0.2 - January 2, 2023 Fixed Short DllCall arg type and undefined behaviour for invalid types. Fixed (non-string) file version number for AutoHotkey binaries. Fixed parameter type errors to show the correct parameter number. 2.0.1 - January 1, 2023 Fixed Func.IsOptional(1) returning 0 in some cases where it shouldn't. Fixed Gui event handler functions to not drop the Gui parameter when the Gui is its own event sink. Fixed COM errors to not show "(null)" when no description is available. Fixed ToolTips intermittently appearing at the wrong position. Fixed __Enum(unset) to permit a second variable for Array, Match and Gui. Fixed #include <> error messages to show "Script library" rather than "Function library". Fixed new threads being unable to prevent a message check with Critical. Optimized conversion of DllCall type names. Made some trivial but effective code size optimizations.

Belgenet Imza Servisi 1.0.53

More Info: https://bilisim.turksat.com.tr/iletisim-formu

Support Info: https://forum.belgenet.com.tr/

Belgenet, TÜRKSAT A.Ş. tarafından geliştirilen, devlet kurumlarımızda 250 000’in üzerinde kullanıcıya hizmet veren, TSE 13298 standardına sahip, her türlü dokümantasyonun içerik, format ve ilişkisel özelliklerini koruyarak bu dokümanları üretimden nihai tasfiyeye kadar olan süreç içerisinde yöneten tescilli Elektronik Belge Yönetim Sistemi ürünüdür. Küçük ölçekli kurumlarımız için Türksat sunucularında hizmet veren Belgenet Bulut ürünü de kurumlarımızın kullanımına sunulmuştur.

Bloomberg Terminal 108.7.80

More Info: https://www.bloomberg.com/professional/support/release-notes/

Support Info: https://www.bloomberg.com/professional/support/software-updates/

108.7.80 January 9th 2023 • Update Bloomberg Webview API Version • Performance improvements to Bloomberg Application

Cloudflare WARP Client 22.12.582

More Info: https://install.appcenter.ms/orgs/cloudflare/apps/

Support Info: https://developers.cloudflare.com/warp-client/get-started/windows/

ersion 2022.12.582.0 Jan 12, 2023 at 23:01 100.27 MB This release contains only stability and bug fixes. Hotfix Updates Fixed issue where clients would attempt to configure DNS even when in posture-only, or proxy modes. Known issues No known issues

DBeaver CE 22.3.2

More Info: https://github.com/dbeaver/dbeaver/releases/tag/22.3.2

Support Info: https://github.com/dbeaver/dbeaver/issues

Changes since 22.3.2: Notes For bug reports and feature requests - please create a ticket. If you have any questions, ideas, etc - please start a discussion. Pull requests are welcome. Visit https://dbeaver.io or https://dbeaver.com for more information. Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/dbeaver_news/ Thanks for using DBeaver! Star if you like it.

Docker Desktop 4.16.1

More Info: https://docs.docker.com/desktop/release-notes/

Support Info: https://www.docker.com/blog/

16.1 Bug fixes and enhancements For all platforms Fixed sudo inside a container failing with a security related error for some images. Fixes docker/for-mac/6675 and docker/for-win/13161. 16.0 New Extensions have moved from Beta to GA. Quick Search has moved from experimental to GA. Extensions are now included in Quick Search. Analyzing large images is now up to 4x faster. New local images view has moved from experimental to GA. New Beta feature for MacOS 13, Rosetta for Linux, has been added for faster emulation of Intel-based images on Apple Silicon. Upgrades Compose v2.15.1 Containerd v1.6.14 Docker Engine v20.10.22 Buildx v0.10.0 Docker Scan v0.23.0 Go 1.19.4 Bug fixes and enhancements For all platforms Fixed docker build --quiet not outputting the image identifier with the containerd integration. Fixed image inspect not showing image labels with the containerd integration. Increased the contrast between running and stopped container icons to make it easier for colorblind people to scan the containers list. Fixed a bug where the user is prompted for new HTTP proxy credentials repeatedly until Docker Desktop is restarted. Added a diagnostics command com.docker.diagnose login to check HTTP proxy configuration. Fixed actions on compose stack not working properly. Fixes docker/for-mac#6566. Fixed the Docker dashboard trying at startup to get disk usage information and display an error banner before the engine was running.

Dropbox 165.4.4300

More Info: https://www.dropboxforum.com/t5/Dropbox-desktop-client-builds/Stable-Build-165-4-4286/td-p/649788

Support Info: https://help.dropbox.com/

Thanks for using Dropbox! The desktop client is regularly updated with many improvements and fixes. Features in this update: Users can now back up computer folders to Dropbox and iCloud at the same time.

Edge WebView2 Runtime 109.0.1518.52

More Info: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/deployedge/microsoft-edge-relnote-stable-channel

Support Info: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-edge/webview2/

Version 109.0.1518.52: January 13, 2023 Fixed various bugs and performance issues. Version 108.0.1462.83: January 12, 2023 Fixed various bugs and performance issues for Extended Stable release.

Google Chrome 109.0.5414.75

More Info: https://chromereleases.googleblog.com/2023/01/stable-channel-update-for-desktop.html

Support Info: https://support.google.com/chrome/a

Stable Channel Update for Desktop Tuesday, January 10, 2023 The Chrome team is delighted to announce the promotion of Chrome 109 to the stable channel for Windows, Mac and Linux. This will roll out over the coming days/weeks. Chrome 109.0.5414.74 (linux),109.0.5414.74/.75( Windows) and 109.0.5414.87(Mac) contains a number of fixes and improvements -- a list of changes is available in the log. Watch out for upcoming Chrome and Chromium blog posts about new features and big efforts delivered in 109.

KeePass 2.53.0

More Info: https://keepass.info/news/n230109_2.53.html

Support Info: https://keepass.info/help/base/index.html

Changes from 2.52 to 2.53: New Features: For each entry listed on the 'History' tab page of the entry dialog, the fields modified with respect to the previous entry are displayed. Added 'Compare' button on the 'History' tab page of the entry dialog; when two (not necessarily consecutive) history entries are selected, clicking the button shows a detailed comparison (with values, etc.). When editing an entry, the history entry list of the entry dialog now contains an entry called 'Dialog (unsaved)', which represents all data entered in the current dialog (other tab pages). When editing an entry, the history entry list of the entry dialog now contains an entry called 'Current (TIME)', which is the entry that is currently stored in the database (without any changes made in the current dialog). Added 'History' command in the 'Find' main menu; it lists all entry modifications (sorted by time). Added filter box in most report dialogs (last modified entries, history, large entries, similar password clusters, password quality, history entry comparison, database file search, ...). Added 'Print' button in most report dialogs. Added 'Export' button in most report dialogs; supported formats are CSV and HTML. Added {EDGE} placeholder, which is replaced by the executable path of the new (Chromium-based) Microsoft Edge, if installed. Added URL override suggestion for Microsoft Edge in private mode in the URL override suggestions drop-down list of the entry dialog. Added optional built-in gl

Lenovo System Update 5.08.01

More Info: https://download.lenovo.com/pccbbs/thinkvantage_en/system_update_5.08.01.0005.txt

Support Info: https://support.lenovo.com/

ThinkVantage System Update for Microsoft Windows 7, Windows 10, Windows 11 Version Installation Readme System Update downloads software, driver and BIOS updates from a Lenovo server directly over the Internet without requiring specific user knowledge of where the package is located or if it is needed by the target system. Other ways in which ThinkVantage Technologies help you keep your system up to date and secure are: - Provides a direct connection to Lenovo Service and Support for ThinkPad and ThinkCentre drivers, software and BIOS updates. - Helps maximize your system performance and minimize security New in 2022-12-19 release ======================== - Fix PSIRT issue LEN-103545 New in 2022-11-04 release ======================== - Support pcdDescriptor version as attribute to Package element in XML New in 2022-09-29 release ======================== - Support retry and continue options after UTS failure. - Improved prevention of DLL injection attacks - Improved handling of Cancel results for reboot type 5 updates - Enable delete of temp files with paths > 255 characters - Fixed some acessibility issues. - Fixed some translation issues.

Microsoft Edge 109.0.1518.52

More Info: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/deployedge/microsoft-edge-relnote-stable-channel

Support Info: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-edge

Version 109.0.1518.52: January 13, 2023 Fixed various bugs and performance issues. Version 108.0.1462.83: January 12, 2023 Fixed various bugs and performance issues for Extended Stable release.

Node.js 18.13.0 LTS

More Info: https://github.com/nodejs/node/blob/main/doc/changelogs/CHANGELOG_V18.md#18.13.0

Support Info: https://nodejs.org/en/docs/

2023-01-05, Version 18.13.0 'Hydrogen' (LTS), @danielleadams Notable changes Add support for externally shared js builtins By default Node.js is built so that all dependencies are bundled into the Node.js binary itself. Some Node.js distributions prefer to manage dependencies externally. There are existing build options that allow dependencies with native code to be externalized. This commit adds additional options so that dependencies with JavaScript code (including WASM) can also be externalized. This addition does not affect binaries shipped by the Node.js project but will allow other distributions to externalize additional dependencies when needed. Contributed by Michael Dawson in #44376 Introduce File The File class is part of the FileAPI. It can be used anywhere a Blob can, for example in URL.createObjectURL and FormData. It contains two properties that Blobs do not have: lastModified, the last time the file was modified in ms, and name, the name of the file. Contributed by Khafra in #45139

Node.js 19.4.0 Current

More Info: https://github.com/nodejs/node/blob/main/doc/changelogs/CHANGELOG_V19.md#19.4.0

Support Info: https://nodejs.org/en/docs/

2023-01-06, Version 19.4.0 (Current), @RafaelGSS Notable Changes buffer: (SEMVER-MINOR) add buffer.isUtf8 for utf8 validation (Yagiz Nizipli) #45947 http: (SEMVER-MINOR) improved timeout defaults handling (Paolo Insogna) #45778 net: add autoSelectFamily global getter and setter (Paolo Insogna) #45777 os: (SEMVER-MINOR) add availableParallelism() (Colin Ihrig) #45895 util: add fast path for text-decoder fatal flag (Yagiz Nizipli) #45803

Opera 94.0.4606.65

More Info: https://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog-for-94/

Support Info: https://www.opera.com/help

94.0.4606.65 – 2023-01-12 blog post DNA-102726 [SD][Folder] When trying to drop SD from folder back to folder, new folder is created DNA-102730 [SD][Add to Opera] Remove strip at the top of modal and move ‘x’ button to be in line with ‘Add to Opera’ text DNA-102732 [SD][Folders] Add option to merge folders by drag and drop DNA-102747 [SD][Folders] Empty SD folder is not visible DNA-102763 [SD] Animate changing between Use bigger tiles on and off DNA-102847 [SD][Folders] SD displayed on folder tile should be aligned to left DNA-102855 [SD] Add SD by drag and dropping link DNA-102882 [SD][News][Continue on][Suggestion] Do not focus on opened page when opening in new tab DNA-102936 [News Categories] Categories become invisible after minimizing browser window DNA-102988 [News categories] Only games category displayed after changing browser language DNA-103000 [News Categories] Selected categories not saved after restarting browser DNA-103001 [News Categories] ‘x’ button invisible in ‘Choose language and country’ on light theme DNA-103002 [News Categories] Changes in ‘Choose language and country’ modal not saved on esc or clicking outside of modal DNA-103015 [News locales] Pref startpage.news_locales udated only when close/done the moda, initial value not set DNA-103097 [Settings] Enable ‘Adjust Speed Dial animations for slower hardware’ settings option to have effect DNA-103098 [SD] No big icon for decathlon.pl DNA-103110 Strange animation when dragging tiles

PL-SQL Developer 15.0.3

More Info: https://www.allroundautomations.com/products/pl-sql-developer/release-notes/

Support Info: https://www.allroundautomations.com/support/

DECEMBER 16, 2022 - VERSION 15.0.3 RELEASED Enhancements (NOTE: build fixed a regression bug: HTML manuals could not be opened when using the Edge Browser) Performance and stability improvements Large Data Editor External tool did not work correctly if the %1 parameter was omitted and the temp path includes spaces Oracle21c JSON column data type was incorrectly presented with size as JSON(8200) Oracle21c JSON parameter data type was incorrectly presented as “Unknown type 119” Oracle21c JSON column data type support in the SQL Window and Large Data Editor when using an Oracle21c Client The plsqldoc Plug-in function “View Documentation” could cause an Access Violation Oracle HTML Manuals function would sometimes navigate to the top of the page instead of the context topic Command Window feedback updated with the latest Oracle21c SQL commands Creating a new Workset based on a previous Workset would incorrectly allow multi-select Quoted identifiers that are too long were not marked as such Adding an SQL Window to a Project could add the table of the select statement instead of the SQL Window file SQL Window and Test Window Statistics sorting would change after each run Compare User Objects / Compare Table Data: Cancelling the Target Session logon dialog would disconnect previous target session without displaying “not connected” Command Window would not always show execute status correctly when executing external files

SessionLimit with MFA Agent 1.9.10

More Info: https://www.sessionlimit.com/

Support Info: https://docs.sessionlimit.com/

-- Servis baslamasi esnasinda yasanan gecikme duzeltildi. Setup islemlerinde servicepipelinetimeout degerine gerek kalmadı -- Remote Desktop islemlerinde SID karisikligi problemi duzeltildi, -- Performans iyilestirmeleri yapildi, Bu paket MFA ajani icerir

SessionLimit without MFA Agent 1.9.10

More Info: https://www.sessionlimit.com/

Support Info: https://docs.sessionlimit.com/

-- Servis baslamasi esnasinda yasanan gecikme duzeltildi. Setup islemlerinde servicepipelinetimeout degerine gerek kalmadı -- Remote Desktop islemlerinde SID karisikligi problemi duzeltildi, -- Performans iyilestirmeleri yapildi, Bu setup paketi MFA ajani icermez.

Snagit 23.0.3

More Info: https://support.techsmith.com/hc/en-us/articles/115006435067-Snagit-Windows-Version-History

Support Info: https://www.techsmith.com/help.html

12 January, 2023: Snagit 2023.0.3 Bug Fixes Fixed an issue where Snagit Capture failed to start if no camera was detected. Fixed issue with sharing to Slack. 13 December, 2022: Snagit 2023.0.2 Feature Updates Improved the Snagit Editor interface when the Screencast share destination is not installed. Added the ability for Grab Text selection in Snagit Capture to grab plain text in addition to formatted text. Added tooltips to the mini video recording toolbar and mini Screen Draw toolbar. Added the ability for users to reposition the mini Screen Draw toolbar when the default location is in the recording area. Performance Improvements Improved performance when capturing the Microsoft Power BI app. Updates for IT Administrators Replaced the Share Link button with the Share button when deploying Snagit without the Screencast share destination. Bug Fixes Fixed an issue with new Callout Quick Styles being created incorrectly. Fixed a crash that sometimes occurred during scrolling capture. Fixed a crash when repositioning Picture-in Picture video with OBS Studio Virtual Camera as the selected webcam. Fixed a crash that sometimes occurred during video recording with Picture-in-Picture. Fixed a crash that sometimes occurred when checking for disaster recovery files. Fixed a crash that sometimes occurred during startup. Fixed an issue where the camera preview might hide the video recording toolbar. Fixed an issue where the Screen Draw toolbar might not minimize with the video recording

Sourcetree 3.4.11

More Info: https://product-downloads.atlassian.com/software/sourcetree/windows/ga/ReleaseNotes_3.4.11.html

Support Info: https://support.atlassian.com/tree

SourceTree 3.4.11 [07 December 2022] Changes Changes: Updated Bitbucket Cloud APIs due to deprecation in /2.0/teams and /2.0/users endpoints. (See more details) Changes: Renewed and updated internal code signing certificate Fixed: Sourcetree is not launching after update Fixed: Bitbucket User Workspaces not visible under Remote Repositories tab Fixed: Bitbucket Server remote repositories dropdown is blank for Organization Repos Fixed: GetWindowsVersion() is crashing in Win 11 Fixed: Moved 'Amend latest commit' checkbox after 'Push changes immediately' checkbox SourceTree 3.4.10 [25 Sept 2022] Changes Fixed: Sourcetree failed to update from 3.4.9 to latest version Upgrade to PuTTY 0.77 Internal upgrade of Nuget packages Fixed: CVE-2022-24826 "Git LFS vulnerability" Fixed: Word "characters" doesn't change color after unchecking the checkbox "Use fixed-width font" Fixed: Unable to read repositories for the user from the remote host Fixed: Path to external diff tool (P4Merge) empty in options dialog opened first time after startup and Ctrl+D does not work Fixed: External Merge tool does not launch Fixed: Restore the amend checkbox and amending a commit should not involve a popup Fixed: Repair stash External Diff when diff tool is custom Fixed: Sourcetree 3.4.9 Crashes Immediately and Doesn't Install (Windows 10) Fixed: Sourcetree 3.4.9 installer crashes at splash screen Fixed: Dutch language translation for Pull-Request corrected Known Issues Sourcetree update is not working in 3

Vivaldi 5.6.2867.58

More Info: https://vivaldi.com/blog/desktop/minor-update-three-5-6/

Support Info: https://vivaldi.com/changelog-vivaldi-browser-5-6/

The following improvements were made since the second 5.6 minor update: [Address bar] New tab shows typed URL from background tab (VB-93198) [Crash] Sudden memory hogging, freeze and crash (VB-91443) [Downloads][Panels] Closes suddenly when the “Save As” button is clicked (VB-93278) [UI] Copy button in vivaldi://about broken (VB-92232) [Windows] No window-borders on Windows older than 11 (VB-93742)

VMware Horizon Client for Windows 8.8.0

More Info: https://docs.vmware.com/en/VMware-Horizon-Client-for-Windows/2212/rn/vmware-horizon-client-for-windows-2212-release-notes

Support Info: https://docs.vmware.com/

What's New Horizon Client for Windows 2212 includes the following new features: Default audio-in API is Windows Audio Session The Horizon Client for Windows uses Windows Audio Session API (WASAPI) as the audio-in API by default for better audio quality. UDP ports on Avi load balancer UDP ports can now be configured on the Avi load balancer. Zoom and Cisco plug-in Installation After you connect to a server, you can install a Zoom or Cisco plug if it is configured on the server. For information about new remote desktop features, see the VMware Horizon 8 2212 Release Notes.

Zoom Desktop Client 5.13.4

More Info: https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/201361953-Release-notes-for-Windows

Support Info: https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us

Current Release January 9, 2023 version 5.13.4 (11835) Download type: Manual Download here: Download Center Changes to existing features Removal of InstallVDIAutoUpdatePlugin (MSI) policy - Windows The check and prompt to install additional software to manage Zoom VDI Plugins has been removed and will be available again in a future release. Resolved Issues Minor bug fixes

Last updated