Software added to the E2P catalog in August (#202308)
New Products
9 new products were added to the Easy2Patch catalog in April. In order to see the applications in Easy2Patch and SCCM/WSUS structure, you need to synchronize the catalog and select the applications you want from the interface and have them published. You can contact or follow our linked (Easy2Patch) page to receive catalog notifications via e-mail.
Artifex Software Inc.
GPL Ghostscript 10.01.2
Beeftext 16.0
HandBrake 1.6.1
Meltytech, LLC
Shotcut 23.07.29
Microsoft PowerToys 0.72.0
Andrea Vacondio
PDF Split And Merge 5.1.3
Duong Dieu Phap
Stefans Tools
GrepWin 2.0.15
Local Administrator Password Solution 6.2.0
Beeftext 16.0
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Beeftext v16.0 Latest Fixed crash on Windows 11 if an image is in the clipboard (issue #548). Added option to disable restoration of clipboard after combo substitution (issue #550). Beeftext now uses regular Windows line-ending (CR/LF) when pasting snippet (issue #537). Re-ordered fields in combo dialog (issue #531). If combo name is empty, a placeholder name is computed (issue #529). Removed error in log if process list file does not exists (issue #545).
GPL Ghostscript 10.01.2
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Ghostscript/GhostPDL 10.01.2 Ghostscript/GhostPDL 10.01.1 This 10.01.1 release removes the "-dNEWPDF=false" command line option to fall back to the deprecated, old PDF interpreter. Ghostscript/GhostPDL 10.01.0 This 10.01.0 release removes the "-dNEWPDF=false" command line option to fall back to the deprecated, old PDF interpreter. Ghostscript/GhostPDL 10.0.0 This release officially deprecates the old Postscript implementation of PDF, we will not be updating or maintaining that code moving forward. The option to use the old PDF implementation will be removed in the next full release (10.01.0)
GPL Ghostscript 10.01.2
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Ghostscript/GhostPDL 10.01.2 Ghostscript/GhostPDL 10.01.1 This 10.01.1 release removes the "-dNEWPDF=false" command line option to fall back to the deprecated, old PDF interpreter. Ghostscript/GhostPDL 10.01.0 This 10.01.0 release removes the "-dNEWPDF=false" command line option to fall back to the deprecated, old PDF interpreter. Ghostscript/GhostPDL 10.0.0 This release officially deprecates the old Postscript implementation of PDF, we will not be updating or maintaining that code moving forward. The option to use the old PDF implementation will be removed in the next full release (10.01.0)
HandBrake 1.6.1
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1.6.1 Latest Upgrade Notice Before updating HandBrake, please make sure there are no pending encodes in the queue, and be sure to make a backup of any custom presets and app preferences you have, as they may not be compatible with newer versions. Windows users, please make sure to install Microsoft .NET Desktop Runtime version 6.0.x. Read carefully: you need the DESKTOP runtime. You must install .NET 6 even if you have installed .NET 7.
Microsoft PowerToys 0.72.0
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Release v0.72.0 Latest In the v0.72 release cycle, we focused on stability and improvements. Highlights Greatly reduced the PowerToys installed space by having utilities share the same installed path. When compared to 0.71, the 0.72 x64 machine installed version of PowerToys reduces the size reported in the Installed Apps screen from 1.15GB to 785 MB and the size in File Explorer properties for the installation folder from 3.10GB to 554 MB. Value Generator - A new PowerToys Run plugin that generates hashes and GUID values. Thanks @IHorvalds! Mouse Highlighter has a new feature to have a highlight always follow the mouse pointer. Thanks @hayatogh!
Shotcut 23.07.29
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Releases v23.07.29 Version 23.07.09: Never Say Never Latest This release has important bug fixes plus new audio filters to remedy an old problem. New Bugs Fixed crash on startup on older Windows 10 computers that do not have Direct3D 11 (broke in v23.05). Fixed Timeline scrubbing and skimming accelerate too much (broke in v23.06). Fixed Stabilize analysis jobs not working on a speed-adjusted timeline clip (broke in v23.05).
GrepWin 2.0.15
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2.0.15 Bug: 2.0.14 doesn't remember last directory on launch? #406 by wisemike2 was closed on Jun 10 2 Portable x64 version of v2.0.14 does not load/apply existing INI file settings #402 by craigtp was closed on Jun 4 1 ignore windows system directory as a fallback search-path #404 by jdknight was merged on Jun 4 correct portable detection #403 by jdknight was merged on Jun 4
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ImageGlass Kobe (updated) Bugfixes: Fixed an issue where ImageGlass always opens using nearest-neighbor zoom (#1549) Fixed an issue where NEF files appear darker with colors less saturated (#1577) Fixed an issue where ImageGlass displays NEF files in wrong orientation (#1478) Fixed an issue where ImageGlass could not display TIF files due to invalid tag 32932 (#1583)
PDF Split And Merge 5.1.3
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v5.1.3 Latest v5.1.3 6eeb9a4 JDK 20.0.2 JavaFX 20.0.2 Sejda 5.0.6 Updated translations v5.1.2 JDK 20.0.1 JavaFX 20.0.1 Sejda 5.0.0.M10 Updated translations
Local Administrator Password Solution 6.2.0
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Note: the only change in this release is that the binaries and installer package have been recompiled and signed with SHA256. No functionality has been added or modified. For environments in which users are required to log on to computers without domain credentials, password management can become a complex issue. Such environments greatly increase the risk of a Pass-the-Hash (PtH) credential replay attack. The Local Administrator Password Solution (LAPS) provides a solution to this issue of using a common local account with an identical password on every computer in a domain.
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