Easy2Patch March 25 Catalog Update #20230325

Catalog Update

Our catalog with #20230325 (Catalog version 2.3.36 ) is available to our Easy2Patch customers.

This week, 24 software updates are provided in the E2P catalog. We support 212 products of 160 individual manufacturers in total. We are updating 302 products with 32/64-bit and language options.



8X8 Work 8.1.2


Amazon WorkSpaces 5.7.0

Anaconda Inc.

Anaconda 3 2023.03

Bitwarden, Inc.

Bitwarden Desktop 2023.3.0

Capture One

Capture One 23 16.1.2

Docker Inc.

Docker Desktop 4.17.1

Don Ho

Notepad++ 8.5.1


Dropbox 170.4.5895


Google Chrome 111.0.5563.111

Master Packager Ltd.

MasterPackager 23.2.8474


Azure Data Studio 1.42.0 {System}


Edge WebView2 Runtime 111.0.1661.51


Microsoft Edge 111.0.1661.51


Opera 97.0.4719.28


Java SE Development Kit 20.0.0


R for Windows 4.2.3


Slack 4.31.152


doPDF 11.8.384


TeamViewer 15.40.8


AKIS Yonetici 6.5.1


Vivaldi 5.7.2921.65


Tailscale 1.38.2

Zoom Video Communications

Zoom Desktop Client 5.14.0

Zoom Video Communications

Zoom Outlook Plugin 5.14.0

8X8 Work 8.1.2

More Info: https://support.8x8.com/cloud-phone-service/voice/work-desktop/download-8x8-work-for-desktop

Support Info: https://support.8x8.com/

What's new in this release? The key features in Work for Desktop v 8.1 are: Voice, Messaging, and Core New Call interactions tones: call hold, call transfer and call end Interface and accessibility Setting page updates More UX improvements for the contact cards Various fixes and UI improvements

AKIS Yonetici 6.5.1

More Info: https://akiskart.bilgem.tubitak.gov.tr/

Support Info: https://akiskart.bilgem.tubitak.gov.tr/destek

Dikkat! Bu paket upgrade paketi değildir. Uretici tarafından yeni bir sürüm olarak yayinlanmistir. Dolayısı ile onceki surumu tespit etmeyebilir ve/veya uzerine kurulum yapmayabilir. Yeni bir kurulum gibi degerlendirilmistir. ------- Attention! This package is not an upgrade package. Released as a new version by the manufacturer. Therefore, it may not detect and/or install on the previous version. It is considered as a new installation.

AKIS Yonetici 6.5.1

More Info: https://akiskart.bilgem.tubitak.gov.tr/akis-nedir

Support Info: https://akiskart.bilgem.tubitak.gov.tr/destek

Dikkat! Bu paket upgrade paketi değildir. Uretici tarafından yeni bir sürüm olarak yayinlanmistir. Dolayısı ile onceki surumu tespit etmeyebilir ve/veya uzerine kurulum yapmayabilir. Yeni bir kurulum gibi degerlendirilmistir. ------- Attention! This package is not an upgrade package. Released as a new version by the manufacturer. Therefore, it may not detect and/or install on the previous version. It is considered as a new installation.

Amazon WorkSpaces 5.7.0

More Info: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/workspaces/latest/userguide/amazon-workspaces-windows-client.html#windows-release-notes

Support Info: https://aws.amazon.com/tr/contact-us/sales-support-workspaces/

Release Date Changes 5.7.0 February 23, 2023 Enabled trimming leading or trailing allow list in sign-in credentials Resolved a crashing issue due to empty registration code Provided sufficient color contrast, text labels, and instructions in user interface components, such as a login page and a menu bar. 5.6.4 February 1, 2023 Fixed sign-in credential validation issue Fixed caps lock flicker issue

Anaconda 3 2023.03

More Info: https://docs.anaconda.com/anaconda/reference/release-notes/

Support Info: https://anaconda.cloud/support-center

Release notes Anaconda 2023.03-0 (March 20, 2023) User-facing changes Conda has been updated to v23.1.0. This installer uses python-3.10.9. Anaconda Navigator has been updated to v2.4.0. # Version numbers for Anaconda Distribution will now include a build number to track any changes to the distribution that occur before the next official release.

Azure Data Studio 1.42.0 {System}

More Info: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/azure-data-studio/release-notes-azure-data-studio?view=sql-server-ver16

Support Info: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/azure-data-studio/?view=sql-server-ver16

March 2023 Azure Data Studio 1.42.0 is the latest general availability (GA) release. Release number: 1.42.0 Release date: March 22, 2023 What's new in 1.42.0 New Item Details ARM64 Support for macOS Implemented native arm64 SqlToolsService support for arm64 Windows and macOS. Connection Changed the icon under Linked Accounts when adding a new Azure account. Connection Introduced support for the Command Timeout connection property. Connection Added support for all three connection encryption options: Strict, Mandatory, and Optional. Connection Introduced HostNameInCertificate connection property under Security on the Advanced tab, for server with a certificate configured.

Bitwarden Desktop 2023.3.0

More Info: https://github.com/bitwarden/clients/releases/

Support Info: https://bitwarden.com/help

Desktop v2023.3.0 Bug fix for app re-locking itself 5 seconds after initial login with Windows Hello Thank you! A big shout-out to the following community members for their 2023.3.0 release contributions! Patrick H. Lauke Restyle generator panel to be panel-like and avoid overflowing

Capture One 23 16.1.2

More Info: https://support.captureone.com/hc/en-us/articles/9985554350365-Capture-One-23-16-1-2-release-notes

Support Info: https://support.captureone.com/

Capture One 23 (16.1.2) release notes Jack Williams 2 days ago Updated Capture One is made in collaboration with the world’s leading professional photographers and is a powerful RAW converter offering you ultimate image quality with beautiful colors and incredible detail. It offers state-of-the-art tethered capture, powerful digital asset management, extensive adjustment tools, and a flexible workflow through customizable workspaces. All run modes are included in one installer and the run mode is determined by the license key that is used. The trial is also included in the installer and is registered as the full product upon activation. Previous release notes can be found here. Best regards, Team Capture One

Docker Desktop 4.17.1

More Info: https://docs.docker.com/desktop/release-notes/

Support Info: https://www.docker.com/blog/

4.17.1 Bug fixes and enhancements For Windows Docker Desktop now allows Windows containers to work when BitLocker is enabled on C: Fixed a bug where docker buildx container builders would lose access to the network after 24hrs. Fixed a bug where Registry Access Management policy updates were not downloaded. Improved debug information to better characterise failures under WSL 2.

doPDF 11.8.384

More Info: https://forum.dopdf.com/announcements-f2/changelog-dopdf-11-t5995.html

Support Info: https://www.dopdf.com/faq.html

Changes in doPDF 11.7.374 (7-March-2023) Fixed: More UI language translation improvements Fixed: Conversion of large Excel documents Fixed: Tray app text inconsistencies Changes in doPDF 11.7.371 (9-February-2023) Fixed: Several inconsistencies in UI translations Fixed: Conversion improvements from LibreOffice Changes in doPDF 11.7.367 (7-December-2022) Fixed: Read license errors on some systems Fixed: Check for updates issue on some restricted systems

Dropbox 170.4.5895

More Info: https://www.dropboxforum.com/t5/Dropbox-desktop-client-builds/Stable-Build-170-4-5895/td-p/669962

Support Info: https://help.dropbox.com/

Stable Build 170.4.5895 Desktop releases Stable build clientreleases Dropboxerclientreleases Dropboxer Tuesday Thank you for using Dropbox! The desktop client is regularly updated with many improvements and fixes including the following: Features in this update: Rolling out a new user interface for sharing files. Fixes in this update: Fixed a crash that resulted in users being unable open the Dropbox app on macOS. Fixed functionality to preserve “Last Opened Date” of files in Finder. Improved performance of migration to Dropbox for macOS.

Edge WebView2 Runtime 111.0.1661.51

More Info: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/deployedge/microsoft-edge-relnote-stable-channel

Support Info: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-edge/webview2/

Version 111.0.1661.51: March 21, 2023 Fixed various bugs and performance issues. Version 111.0.1661.44: March 16, 2023 Policy updates New policies ShowAcrobatSubscriptionButton - Shows button on native PDF viewer in Microsoft Edge that allows users to sign up for Adobe Acrobat subscription NewPDFReaderEnabled - Microsoft Edge built-in PDF reader powered by Adobe Acrobat enabled

Google Chrome 111.0.5563.111

More Info: https://chromereleases.googleblog.com/2023/03/stable-channel-update-for-desktop_21.html

Support Info: https://support.google.com/chrome/a

Stable Channel Update for Desktop Tuesday, March 21, 2023 The Stable channel has been updated to 111.0.5563.110 for Mac and Linux and 111.0.5563.110/.111 for Windows, which will roll out over the coming days/weeks. A full list of changes in this build is available in the log. Security Fixes and Rewards Note: Access to bug details and links may be kept restricted until a majority of users are updated with a fix. We will also retain restrictions if the bug exists in a third party library that other projects similarly depend on, but haven’t yet fixed. This update includes 8 security fixes. Below, we highlight fixes that were contributed by external researchers. Please see the Chrome Security Page for more information.

Java SE Development Kit 20.0.0

More Info: https://www.oracle.com/java/technologies/javase/20all-relnotes.html

Support Info: https://www.oracle.com/java/technologies/downloads/#jdk19-windows

Java™ SE Development Kit 20 These notes describe important changes, enhancements, removed APIs and features, deprecated APIs and features, and other information about JDK 20 and Java SE 20. In some cases, the descriptions provide links to additional detailed information about an issue or a change. This page does not duplicate the descriptions provided by the Java SE 20 ( JSR 395) Platform Specification, which provides informative background for all specification changes and might also include the identification of removed or deprecated APIs and features not described here. The Java SE 20 ( JSR 395) specification provides links to: Annex 1: The complete Java SE 20 API Specification. Annex 2: An annotated API specification showing the exact differences between Java SE 17 and Java SE 20. Informative background for these changes may be found in the list of approved Change Specification Requests for this release. Annex 3: Java SE 20 Editions of The Java Language Specification and The Java Virtual Machine Specification. The Java SE 20 Editions contain all corrections and clarifications made since the Java SE 17 Editions, as well as additions for new features.

MasterPackager 23.2.8474

More Info: https://www.masterpackager.com/support/release-notes

Support Info: https://www.masterpackager.com/

Release notes Release date: 15.03.2023 Release notes Master Packager 23.2.8474 ***** Issues Resolved ****** • MPDEV-1111 - Master Repackager - Shortcut arguments and working dir are captured incorrectly • MPDEV-1112 - Master Repackager - Platform is not set automatically for 32-bit applications Release date: 14.03.2023 Release notes Master Packager 23.2.8473 ******* Features ******** • MPDEV-941 - Master Repackager - App Library will find recipes for non-standard app names • MPDEV-1030 - Master Packager - User-created Templates will now be saved under %AppData%, not %ProgramData%

Microsoft Edge 111.0.1661.51

More Info: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/deployedge/microsoft-edge-relnote-stable-channel

Support Info: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-edge

Version 111.0.1661.51: March 21, 2023 Fixed various bugs and performance issues. Version 111.0.1661.44: March 16, 2023 Policy updates New policies ShowAcrobatSubscriptionButton - Shows button on native PDF viewer in Microsoft Edge that allows users to sign up for Adobe Acrobat subscription NewPDFReaderEnabled - Microsoft Edge built-in PDF reader powered by Adobe Acrobat enabled

Notepad++ 8.5.1

More Info: https://notepad-plus-plus.org/downloads/v8.5.1/

Support Info: https://notepad-plus-plus.org/news/v85-released/

Notepad++ v8.5.1 bug-fixes and new features: Use new modern shell “Edit with Notepad++” of Windows 11 instead of hijacking “Pin to Quick access”.(Fix #13320, implement #13330) Update scintilla to 5.3.4 and lexilla to 5.2.4. (Implement #13338) Add MS Transact-SQL support. (Fix #5940, #7988, #11718, #12610, #13160) Add GDScript language support with autocomplete & functionlist. (Fix #13329) Fix UDL empty button regression after changing localization. (Fix #13228) Add ability to copy “Find what” to “Replace with” and vice versa in Find Replace dialog. (Fix #12122) Fix DocSwitcher RTL problem, and use edit field instead of a small popup value dialog. (Fix #13244, #13248) GUI visual enhancement: Fix whole dialog items blink when a item value changed. (Fix #13230)

Opera 97.0.4719.28

More Info: https://blogs.opera.com/desktop/2023/03/opera-97-0-4719-28-stable-update/

Support Info: https://www.opera.com/help

March 23rd, 2023 Hi there, We have updated Opera 97 Stable. This update includes some crash-fixes, and Chromium version 111.0.5563.65. There’s also a nice little addition you’ll be happy about. The tab tooltip now lets you to see tabs from the same domain, and allows you to close them as well.

R for Windows 4.2.3

More Info: https://cran.r-project.org/doc/manuals/r-release/NEWS.html

Support Info: https://cran.r-project.org/index.html

[R logo] CHANGES IN R 4.2.3 C-LEVEL FACILITIES The definition of DL_FUNC in ‘R_ext/Rdynload.h’ has been changed to be fully C-compliant. This means that functions loaded via for example R_GetCCallable need to be cast to an appropriate type if they have any arguments. .Machine has a new element sizeof.time_t to identify old systems with a 32-bit type and hence a limited range of date-times (and limited support for dates millions of years from present). PACKAGE INSTALLATION (Windows) The default C++ standard had accidentally been left at C++11 when it was changed to C++14 on Unix. BUG FIXES As "POSIXlt" objects may be “partially filled” and their list components meant to be recycled, length() now is the length of the longest component.

Slack 4.31.152

More Info: https://slack.com/release-notes/windows

Support Info: https://slack.com/help

Slack 4.31.152 March 20, 2023 Bug Fixes We’ve tinkered with the internal workings and polished some rough edges. The app is now better than it was. Slack 4.31.150 March 20, 2023 What’s New Starting with version 4.31, we are no longer able to support Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2012 and Windows Server 2012 R2. If you’re running one of these operating systems, you may continue to use version 4.29, but we encourage you to upgrade your OS to enjoy the latest Slack features (https://slack.com/help/articles/115002037526-System-requirements-for-using-Slack).

Tailscale 1.38.2

More Info: https://tailscale.com/changelog/

Support Info: https://tailscale.com/contact/support/

Mar 22, 2023 Tailscale v1.38.2 Update instructions → ALL PLATFORMS tailscale lock tskey-wrap has been replaced by tailscale lock sign tailscale lock sign now supports signing auth keys LINUX --tun=userspace-networking issue running in Azure App Services MACOS Sparkle automatically checks updates for the standalone package. This does not impact the App Store package.

TeamViewer 15.40.8

More Info: https://community.teamviewer.com/English/discussion/128752/windows-v15-40-8

Support Info: https://www.teamviewer.com/en/support/documents/

Operating system: Windows Version: 15.40.8 Release date: 2023-03-23 Bugfixes image.png Fixed a bug that prevented company devices from being loaded in the device list. Operating system: Windows Version: 15.40.6 Release date: 2023-03-21 Fixed a bug where the session tab order was not preserved after closing a session window. Fixed a bug that caused flickering while showing the remote screen.

Vivaldi 5.7.2921.65

More Info: https://vivaldi.com/blog/desktop/minor-update-three-5-7/

Support Info: https://vivaldi.com/changelog-vivaldi-browser-5-7/

Minor update (3) for Vivaldi Desktop Browser 5.7 This update includes security fixes from the Chromium project. The following improvements were made since the second 5.7 minor update: [Chromium] Upgraded to 110.0.5481.209 Minor update (2) for Vivaldi Desktop Browser 5.7 This update includes security fixes from the Chromium project and various improvements to our address field and other areas. The following improvements were made since the first 5.7 minor update: [Address bar][Keyboard] Selecting an item from the drop down after typing a full domain displays only the domain (VB-95282) [Address bar] Cannot backspace in URL bar while holding Shift (VB-90620) [Address bar] Copy URL with IDN is broken (VB-95490)

Zoom Desktop Client 5.14.0

More Info: https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/201361953-Release-notes-for-Windows

Support Info: https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us

Current Release March 20, 2023 version 5.14.0 (13888) Download type: Manual Download here: Download Center Changes to existing features Chat response to Meeting Invitation When a user invites another contact to an active meeting, the recipient can decline the invite and include a message to the person inviting them, explaining why they cannot currently attend. This response is now displayed in the meeting, rather than solely in associated Team Chat 1:1 for those users. Removal of non-video panelists when sharing content When panelists share their screen or a video, if no panelists have their video enabled, they will be hidden to direct focus on the shared content instead of their video-off tile. Previously, video-off tiles would remain on screen next to the shared content.

Zoom Outlook Plugin 5.14.0

More Info: https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/203254295-Release-notes-for-Outlook-plugin

Support Info: https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us

Current Release February 27, 2023 version (Windows) Resolved issues Minor bug fixes Resolved an issue where licensed users received a 40-minute time limit on meetings with Zoom Outlook plugin. Previous Releases Note: The information in the past release notes may have been superseded by subsequent release notes. Please review all current release notes carefully.

Last updated